A post dedicated to what I've been supping/sipping/guzzling over the last few months...
Green Juices
While we’ve been making strawberry and banana smoothies at home for years, I’m fairly new to more hardcore juicing. The likes of Imbibery and Juice Baby have burst onto the scene thanks to their creative potions that feel as though they are literally working their magic powers on you as you drink.
I’ve been mixing up a few healthy concoctions – which, might I add, can’t be compared to the aforementioned juice masters. Mine here might be a bit Ghostbusters-green, but it was delicious. My new obsession is almond milk, which I’ve blended in this particular smoothie with half an avocado, a banana and a couple of handfuls of kale.
My sister also gave me the most gorgeous Super Grains and Seeds book for Christmas with a whole host of new ideas I’m going to be trying out – I’ll keep you posted on progress (and maybe get a few tips from the lovely Imbibery girls too)…
Coconut Water
The Vita Coco team added a tropical touch to my January with an exotic delivery of multi-flavoured coconut waters, to keep me happily hydrated. And I’ve become a bit of an addict. I managed to spread these out over a week, but you wouldn’t believe how they play on your mind when you’ve got a cupboard full of them.
Detox Tea
I didn’t need to be asked twice when Berlin-based tea company Teatox asked if I wanted to try one of their fruity herbal teas. And after a few months of winter battering me, I decided to plump for their Pure Beauty, which is designed to help promote a healthy glow and have a healing effect on the skin. Hand-picked organic ingredients include white tea, camomile and olive leaves with pineapple. I’ve been enjoying a few healthy brews.
And I think the odd Bloody Mary is probably good for the soul…